In this season of time,
Let’s really be people
who have the god factor on the inside of us.
What is the god factor??
It is being loving.
It is being Wise.
Very simply put, let all that you say and do be edifying
to one another.
If you don’t know what exactly to say,
Don’t know what to do,
Feel frustrated or irritated with certain things.
Ask yourselves this question.
Does what you say glorify god and edify one another?
If u sincerely feel
what you’re about to say or do is not going to be too helpful,
then let’s be wise and say only what is needed
and directly to the people accountable
and to whom it may concern.
Bible says:
“In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking,
but he who restrains his lips is wise.” Proverbs 10:19
Let’s continue to focus on the purpose we are living for.
And that’s none other than God.
“By humility and fear of the Lord,
are the riches and honor of life.” Prov 22: 4
His way is simple.
You only have to do one thing.
Chase after god, and e rest will follow.
Don’t go the other way around.
All things will work for good to those who love god.
Let’s evangelize this coming December!
Keep up with the great revival God has called us to.
U r loved. :D

What does it take to be with god and serve him?
Benny Hinn mentioned that its
Everything that you have and all that it takes.
What exactly is everything?
It’s what’s most precious to you.
It’s what you hate to do.
It’s what you feel on the inside of you.
It’s your love.
It’s your wealth
It’s your time
It’s your energy
It’s your heart.
Are you prepared to sacrifice?
Are you prepared to surrender all to him?
There’s only so much we can do.
But there’s so much more HE can do.
No matter how, god always remind me,
There is nothing I can say or do that’s going to make him love
me any less or any more.
No one is perfect so
I am just going to love him the best way I can.
“Here I am worshipping you.
With all I am worshipping you
Bowing down in spirit and truth
With lifted hands worshipping you.”

God asked me once when I was in the weirdest of places.
The toilet. Haha.
Is’nt he humourous?
God answered and said:
“Real love is what you are experiencing right this very moment.”
And I felt god just fill me.
It was like as if
I was overwhelmed. My love tank spilled over.
It was beautiful.
He is simple and sweet.
Are you going to allow God to fill you
Are you going to fill yourself
Everything in this world that can be shaken
I choose to trust my life in him.
My Tower. My Refuge. My Stronghold.
u r loved :D
haha. guess what, I just came home and
was met with a pleasant surprise. (:
I have a family dog!
Name : MILKi!
Age : 3 months
Breed : shih tzu
Whoo its so cute la. haha.
we cant take him out of cage to walk much for 2 weeks
cos we need to toilet train him.
Think he's teething or something.
He kept shredding e newspaper on the floor. haha.
we still don have a name
for him.
anyway here are more pictures!
u r lovedd. :D
my Dim Sum Counter!
you know why??
Because each Dim Sum represents every single
one of YOU.
Its so s0 SO adorable. :D
U’re loved :D
“Dear God,
Today you filled my heart with overflowing once again.
Today you touched my heart and
enabled me to experience your tangible presence right in my room.
Father, you are so real.
Nothing beats being in the embrace and love of you.
You spoke to me today.
You gave me a vision of a race track.
And I was running. And running and running.
But I was not alone.
As I ran, as I pant, as I even stopped and stumbled for awhile.
You ran alongside with me.
Your presence there meant everything.
You were like the person that held me together,
especially during the times I felt like I was falling and breaking.
But with your word and your assurance, you sustained me.”
God is only as real as you allow him to be with you.
The moment you open that door to let him in,
encountering God Is’nt as tough as you thought.
And you’ll find yourself saying:
“Eh really ah, It ain’t that hard lehh!” haha.
When that happens,
all you got to do is enjoy him and he’ll be there to lift you up.
U’re loved :D
Jia wei, Jeff, Jelyn and Cindy. <3!

We watched the coffin the other time.
It was a terrible show. No plot and not scary.
To be nice, I shall give it one

BUT we had fun. haha
u're loved. :D
This year has been a great adventure for me.
There have been exciting times
Times when I just have to keep on smiling.
but who says life is going to be a bed of roses right? (:

Into the realm where real love begins
Where you see the most unusual responses
and amazing encounters.
Life's not going to be a total breeze but,
it can be a great expedition
that could last for an eternity.
u're loved. :D