Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 12:41 AM
The Adventures of TEETIE & TOOTIE
My Valentines day was pretty belated. haha but it's not about the date this time, Its about the person you spend your time with. <3> Teetie and Tootie are characters we came up with. clem>> shhhh our secret. hahaha

We had an awesome FULL SET candlelit dinner meal at Chijmes- INSOMNIA restaurant.
For a pretty affordable price*, we ate a bowl of mushroom soup, 1 main course- ame: Grilled Salmon w mash potatoes and veggies. Clem: Rib-Eye Steak- medium Rare.
AND a chocolate fudge for each of us. I really ate till my tummy increased by 10 times my normal tummy size. It was Madness. But nice and sweeet. haha

Lastly we exchanged our gifts. As usual ours are always handmade (: (:
I did the old school style- don't be cheated by the bottle size, haha
I Folded like almost 260 mini hearts, w mini book inside. Clem AS USUAL,
FOREVER more high level than me in art crafts. He sew this two little sweet mushie toys.
Teetie and Tootie. Very very cute. and made a cute animation video out of this two characters for me. Not forgetting the packaging, he drew on a box he bought from DAISO!
HAHA. So people, if you wanna get nice cheap stuff, go search in Daiso.
Japanese people are really creative especially in their packaging.
whoo hoo.
Its great to have such an awesome boyfriend like you!
Not only my boyfriend, but my best friend!
Always there for me, and giving me advices and a listening ear whenever I feel down.
Dar, You're such a encouragement to me everytime I see you lead in CG,
picking yourself up even at times when you fall or u feel discouraged.
you're the courageous one, the braveheart.
You inspire me. (:
*More photos in Facebook. whee(:
Hi, I'm yournamehere. And I've finally decided to make another fake profile! THREE CHEERS FOR ME. By the way, is it just me or do my eyes look weird when I do this in this font :D (right up there, the bigbig smiley)?
Forget it if you don't get me. I'M TALKING NONSENSE. Umm so yeah uhh, I'm 13. YES I FINALLY TOLD YOU MY REAL AGE. No, I'm not two hundred and twenty two years old.
I'm freaking thirteen. If you really believed I was 222 years old, well umm I don't know what to say.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 12:41 AM
The Adventures of TEETIE & TOOTIE
My Valentines day was pretty belated. haha but it's not about the date this time, Its about the person you spend your time with. <3> Teetie and Tootie are characters we came up with. clem>> shhhh our secret. hahaha

We had an awesome FULL SET candlelit dinner meal at Chijmes- INSOMNIA restaurant.
For a pretty affordable price*, we ate a bowl of mushroom soup, 1 main course- ame: Grilled Salmon w mash potatoes and veggies. Clem: Rib-Eye Steak- medium Rare.
AND a chocolate fudge for each of us. I really ate till my tummy increased by 10 times my normal tummy size. It was Madness. But nice and sweeet. haha

Lastly we exchanged our gifts. As usual ours are always handmade (: (:
I did the old school style- don't be cheated by the bottle size, haha
I Folded like almost 260 mini hearts, w mini book inside. Clem AS USUAL,
FOREVER more high level than me in art crafts. He sew this two little sweet mushie toys.
Teetie and Tootie. Very very cute. and made a cute animation video out of this two characters for me. Not forgetting the packaging, he drew on a box he bought from DAISO!
HAHA. So people, if you wanna get nice cheap stuff, go search in Daiso.
Japanese people are really creative especially in their packaging.
whoo hoo.
Its great to have such an awesome boyfriend like you!
Not only my boyfriend, but my best friend!
Always there for me, and giving me advices and a listening ear whenever I feel down.
Dar, You're such a encouragement to me everytime I see you lead in CG,
picking yourself up even at times when you fall or u feel discouraged.
you're the courageous one, the braveheart.
You inspire me. (:
*More photos in Facebook. whee(: