tonight's gonna be
a Good Good night
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Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 9:43 AM
To love him
Overnight prayer meeting was awesome!
I felt sad. Cos I I had to go off early and could'nt stay for the rest of the meeting.
I really didnt want to leave that place of presence and power.
Got to breakthrough!!!-

But that short period that I was there was already really impactful to me.
Yi Lun shared with us a short word, about the calling of God.
This has been in my mind for sometime now.
and she had a altar call for those who know you've been called by God
to one day be a cell group leader. and I went down to be prayed for.

Sometimes I feel im not able, not ready.
But God would remind me, I'll add unto you ability.
I'll add unto you strength.
Like the song we sang last night, "Standing here by your Grace."~
It's really by his unconditional love and his grace that I can be standing here
in this place. I feel blessed and touched to know that
God continually still believes in me despite my flaws and imperfections. (:

One thing that Yi Lun shared in the past that I really remembered is that
If you don fulfill the calling GOd has for you in your life, you are forfeiting
many lives that could have been impacted by you.

Loving god is all about loving his people. even those that are hard to love.
and I learnt that you don't have to be perfect to be used by God.
God is not asking for perfection.
He's asking for a heart after him. One that is willing to surrender.
If you want to see the power of God working through your life, you got to surrender to him.

I want to fulfill the call of God in my life.
I got to love him more than anything.
More than my loved ones, more than the ministry itself, more than work/school.
More than anything. He is more important than anything in itself.
I got to love him more.

still learning and growing...
This year started with pretty heavy challenges for me.
but god is a good god.
This year 2010, is going to be the BEST year yet!

I'm not satisfied! crying out for more.~