tonight's gonna be
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ame's mail

Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 8:19 PM
CGM was awesome today! ANDDDDDD.....
Amelia is shouting "I need to LOVE people."

I need to love people who lied to me before.
I need to love people who hurt me deep before.
I need to love people who backstab me before.
I need to love people who disappoint me before.
I need to love people who hate me before.

What love do you have if you only love those who love you?
God sometimes do really have a way of doing things.

When you need to fight a war, you need people to stand beside you.

They are more than just soldiers. Soldiers have certain loyalty.
But if we are a family,
then no matter what ups and downs we can go through together!

So Far, I've found out
Ngoi loves to EAT EAT EAT, she can eat anything n everything even the lao hong crackers!

and she loves FT ISLAND TOO! he boyfriend is inside! LOL
HuiZhen loves RED colour and blogshopping like me! I love it too~
Herman loves to Zi High hahaha and he likes to eat in Kopitiam!
Xin Ying likes to watch taiwan drama even korean too!
Winnie loves the colour PURPLE! lol,

and she likes wearing checkered shirts and bomber jackets! LOL
Andrea's favourite colour is ORANGE! bright n smiley like her!
Isabelle loves sports and wii and plays pokemon with her happenning mom.

HAHA Her sisters are music whiz!
they play the violin and the drums plus she rides a HORSE!!

WOW I want one too hee (:

Its amazing how sometimes you've been talking to people for so long,
but yet somehow you still don't know them. That's so scary to know.
I wanna get to know each of you even better

and spend more time with you all too.
Its such a blessing being given an opportunity to be your leader

and being able to love you gals n guy! haha

Im believing in God for REVIVAL!
Im not satisfied! ARE YOU?

The beginning of REVIVAL needs sacrifice, hardwork and perseverence.

"When a thousand fall I will stand with you"
Will we support clement and make things happen as ame's team
and thinking bigger as a CG-W519, thinking even bigger LYL zone?
Will you stand by through it all?

How many of you that I know would be willing to fight like the army of God??
I really wanna know the answer to that.
Lets run this race and vision together~! (: