tonight's gonna be
a Good Good night
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Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 7:08 PM
having a great attitude
its so important to have a great attitude.
I remembered what Pastor said early last year.
It greatly impacted me. and i'll never forget it.

he said; "Its 10% the situation, but 90% how you react to it."
You reaction changes everything.
How you look towards life, how you respond.

When things start to get you down, do you submit to your feelings? and give up?
get angry? throw a tantrum? show a black and bitter face. So no one would talk to you
or bother you?
or just simply tell yourself,No God,I choose to look up, not down. To maintain my smile
knowing that all things will work for Good to those who love god. and
keep keeping on running the race.

When people say certain things to you.
How do you react?
or NO!
WHo says!
Its not me! Its her/him!

I have learnt the power of submission,
the power of being a peacemaker.
Thats what God meant for us to be!
A peacemaker! To learn to discuss through problems, and to learn to say sorry.
even if it may not be entirely your fault, but because
you honour and respect and lovee, you say hey, im sorry.I should never have said that.
I should never have done that. sorry if it had made you unhappy.

A person who is able to have that meekness.
is not a weak person.
Thick skin, thin heart means to withstand all, persevere through and be easily moulded.

My challenge: To be the smiliest person.
My mission: to be more and more like Christ.
My vision: revival and moving forward in every area with God,
strong in passion, purpose-driven, perseverance.
My increase: in love tank, capacity, discipline, closer walk w God.