Thursday, September 10, 2009 @ 5:21 PM
unforgiveness- a hindrance to your destiny in God.

"'Love your friend,' and its unwritten companion,
'Hate your enemy.' I'm challenging that.
I'm telling you to love your enemies.
Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst.
When someone gives you a hard time,
respond with the energies of prayer,
for then you are working out of your true selves,
your God-created selves."
Matthew 5:43-48
why is it so hard to forgive?
forgiveness is one of the subject that is really hard to teach.
Basically because you cant really teach it.
you need to catch it, understand it,
and make it a revelation for your own lives.
I was listening to this sermon by Pastor Ulf Ekman
on the 7 hindrances to fulfilling your destiny.
Some of the hindrances that caught my attention the most.
living a DOUBLE MINDED life.
After listening to the sermon, im really impacted.
and greatly warned that these issues are indeed really going
to hinder my GREAT destiny for GOD!
I don't want to ever allow that in my life!
I remember a time when i held unforgiveness in my heart
I felt hurt and bitter.
Not sorry at all. wanting to get back at the person.
But then i realised i've been going in circles
Stuck and not growing at all for about one and a half years.
I prayed and i decided to confront the person and apologised.
This problem i thought was the worst thing to feel in my life
became my greatest breakthrough!
When i finally came through it, I became a connect group leader.
forgiveness and a spirit of repentance comes hand in hand together.
Pastor Ulf says
"unforgiveness creeps into the heart of man as time goes by.
Most people are nice but after awhile things start hitting you
and changes your outlook on life and bitterness can start
and eventually people start to harbour somethings in their heart."
You talk to people and some say in a very angry voice.
but real forgiveness means you forget!
One of the verses that has really touched my heart.
and i'll always remember the reason why im here
able to be doing the things im doing, by god's grace is in Micah 7:19
"Once again you will have compassion on us.
You will trample our sins under your feet
and throw them into the depths of the ocean!" (NLT)
How many times does the bible say to forgive?
Do you know? Do you remember reading it? Time for a refresh.
Matthew 18:21-23
At that point Peter got up the nerve to ask,
"Master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?"
Jesus replied, "Seven! Hardly. Try seventy times seven.
How many of you have tried forgiving a person 70x7 times a day?!
Thats 490 times!
Choose to be a person of mercy, or forgiveness.
Choose to be a person of mercy, or forgiveness.
We ought to be more like Jesus each day as we live.
Don't let unforgiveness KILL your destiny!
Don't allow the devil a foothold in your life!
You're blocking out an open heaven of blessings from God!
Amazing how God speaks.
Its such a revelation to me.
when you forgive, you act upon that forgiveness.
When you love, you act upon love.
"If all you do is love the lovable,
do you expect a bonus?
Anybody can do that. "
Matt 5:47 (The message bible)
DON'T dwell on these things
DO something about it.
Then you'll grow into who God wants you to be!
Believing in YOU!