Thursday, July 9, 2009 @ 10:37 PM
the race of your own
I am running, running and running... In this race,
as I ran, at times I got thirsty and needed a refreshing drink.
sometimes I stopped and needed a push or a helping hand.
there were even times, I slowed down and needed an encouragement.
Do you feel that way at times? I do.
There are just Some things that we need to work on by ourselves.
1. Our walk with God
2. The decisions we make
These are the two things, no one can force us to do.
We have to pursue and make on our own.
Guidance and teaching will be there along the route you're taking.
Listening to holy spirit voice is what I was reminded today.
He'll guide you in the right path.
Its up to us to choose to move into that path
and fulfill the dreams that God intended you to have.
Truly without God, i'm just a normal human being.
But with him. Im still a normal human being but placed in a position of victory
Remembering your first lovee,
Drawing near to him. Im reminded. Let him refresh once again so that you can pour out more.
James 4:8
"Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you."