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Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 11:51 AM
My testimony
Perhaps many of you don't know. haha
I was born into a christian family.
But I never really felt like a christian.
I simply just followed my parents as they went to church and bible studies.
I joined children's church when I was younger.

I learnt to use vulgar languages when I was 5 years old.
Threw a chair at my little brother when I was 7 years old,
causing him to have a huge balaku and me, caning from my parents.
I Hid under an umbrella with my little brother in the house,
and played with it till the umbrella kinda ripped a part of my bro's hair off. >.<

Later in primary four, I was so naughty that my dad made me write
a journal book stating what i was doing from what time to what time in order
to track me down.
I fought w guys in primary school too.
yeah not your perfect little christian child.

Yes I read the bible here and there. prayed too. but God was just god to me.
I didnt have a relationship with him.
In secondary school, I had a few boyfriends and was hurt by them too.
almost ran away from home
I Did rather badly in my studies and ended up in private school.

I could'nt stand myself, the position I was in......

to be continued...
Stay tuned for part 2. (: