tonight's gonna be
a Good Good night
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 3:29 PM
Food for thought
“There are factors that either qualify or disqualify people
from being part of our dreams and therefore part of our teams.
Many people want to be in ministry, but not all will be.
The standard should always be kept high so that
a precedent exists for others to emulate.
We are tempted to compromise our standards
for the sake of getting someone who “at least can do the job.”

You the Leader - Pstr Phil Pringle

Jus some food for thought.
Someone said this.
"When I read this I understood certain things…
I used to think that it was alright so long as the person
could deliver the best work that you ask for,
the other factors could be compromised or changed along the way.
Of course the former is important
but it isn’t always about the most excellent task,
doing the most things, bringing the most growth,
attitude matters a great deal.
The way you handle your relationships with every person around you,
the way you handle your relationships
with your family, your leaders and your members.

It’s natural to grow old, it’s a choice to grow up.
Sometimes it’s all a choice…
I was just thinking was it familiarity that breeds the contempt?
I pray for open hearts, for wise minds."

Is'nt it true.
When God says: "Many are called, but few are chosen."
I wanna be the chosen one.