Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 9:35 AM
My Valentino ~
( From my dearest Colleague. :D )
haha im backk~
Valentines day was sweeet and nice.
Had lunch with ngoi, hz, andrea and shannen.
Sadd linda could'nt make it cos she had some wedding to attend.
Btw, Thanks all for the nice cards and sweeets! love e cupcake crystal gave.
and James baked cookies for the valentine exchange for me!
Everyone say "AWWWWW!" hahaaha. thanks so much. ((:

Our dearest clem, surprised me w a balloon haha.
and after e PM if u guys are wondering where we went,
we had a nice Japanese dinner. ps: e silver fish quite nice ah.
Followed by a nice walk to e esplanade.
He gave a pretty angel necklace, credits to laney for tat. woots~
haha and he made 11 paper roses! lovely. Thanks dear!~ :DD
Haha , i placed it on my room table, adding to the collection.
LOL, I counted the number of roses I had,
annnnndddd i have 25 roses in total!! haha awesome la.
alright, backk to work now.
have a blessed day ahead !!
and after e PM if u guys are wondering where we went,
we had a nice Japanese dinner. ps: e silver fish quite nice ah.
Followed by a nice walk to e esplanade.
He gave a pretty angel necklace, credits to laney for tat. woots~
haha and he made 11 paper roses! lovely. Thanks dear!~ :DD
Haha , i placed it on my room table, adding to the collection.
LOL, I counted the number of roses I had,
annnnndddd i have 25 roses in total!! haha awesome la.
alright, backk to work now.
have a blessed day ahead !!