Thursday, January 8, 2009 @ 11:35 AM

haha im back!~ (:
Feel so blessed in the past 2008.
Indeed, God is faithful.
When you give to him, he gives you back ten times more.
abundance in not only finances & good food but Love & Joy.
Things of which money can never buy.
I celebrated my birthday like four times haha.
are u jealous? LOLL
ate really good food, like crabs, crawfish,Dory Fishes,Salmon,Sashimi. whoo.
u name it i ate it. HAHA.
Thanks to Yi Lun,lane,clem,Jia Huey,Seow Shi, Anthony,Ivan,Kenneth,Yuan Mei.
What's more, felt lovedd & cherished during those days.
Thanks to those who wished me Happy Birthday &
sent me those nice personal messages. Appreciate it.
Its a new year now. 2009!~
My goals are sett & i'm gonna RUNNN!!
u're lovedd & blessed by me. :D