Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 12:28 PM
I give up! only to you.

What does it take to be with god and serve him?
Benny Hinn mentioned that its
Everything that you have and all that it takes.
What exactly is everything?
It’s what’s most precious to you.
It’s what you hate to do.
It’s what you feel on the inside of you.
It’s your love.
It’s your wealth
It’s your time
It’s your energy
It’s your heart.
Are you prepared to sacrifice?
Are you prepared to surrender all to him?
There’s only so much we can do.
But there’s so much more HE can do.
No matter how, god always remind me,
There is nothing I can say or do that’s going to make him love
me any less or any more.
HE has already loved me to the max.
No one is perfect so
I am just going to love him the best way I can.
“Here I am worshipping you.
With all I am worshipping you
Bowing down in spirit and truth
With lifted hands worshipping you.”
No one is perfect so
I am just going to love him the best way I can.
“Here I am worshipping you.
With all I am worshipping you
Bowing down in spirit and truth
With lifted hands worshipping you.”
u r loved :D