tonight's gonna be
a Good Good night
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Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 1:54 AM
keep holding on.

In this season of time,
Let’s really be people
who have the god factor on the inside of us.

What is the god factor??
It is being loving.
It is being Wise.

Very simply put, let all that you say and do be edifying
to one another.
If you don’t know what exactly to say,
Don’t know what to do,
Feel frustrated or irritated with certain things.

Ask yourselves this question.
Does what you say glorify god and edify one another?
If u sincerely feel
what you’re about to say or do is not going to be too helpful,
then let’s be wise and say only what is needed
and directly to the people accountable
and to whom it may concern.

Bible says:

“In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking,
but he who restrains his lips is wise.” Proverbs 10:19

Let’s continue to focus on the purpose we are living for.
And that’s none other than God.
“By humility and fear of the Lord,

are the riches and honor of life.” Prov 22: 4

His way is simple.

You only have to do one thing.
Chase after god, and e rest will follow.
Don’t go the other way around.

All things will work for good to those who love god.

Let’s evangelize this coming December!
Keep up with the great revival God has called us to.

U r loved. :D