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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 5:43 PM
The walls DID come tumbling down!


ABR's Bryant Wood standing beside

a section of the collapsed wall of Jericho.

As to their evidence,
Dr. Bryant Wood, Director of the
Associates for Biblical Research
and one of the leading experts on the archaeology of Jericho, recently responded.

“It matters little what the Italian archaeologists did not find in their month-long dig. T
he evidence is already in.
Three major expeditions to the site over the past 90 years
uncovered abundant evidence to support the Biblical account.”
As Wood went on to point out,
John Garstang (1930-1936) and Kathleen Kenyon (1952-1958)
both dug at Jericho for six seasons
and a German excavation directed by Ernst Sellin and Carl Watzinger dug for three.
All found abundant evidence of the city's destruction
by fire in a layer related to the Biblical date of 1400 BC.

In September 1997, Dr. Wood visited Jericho and examined
the results of the Italian excavation first hand. Incredibly,
he found the Italians had uncovered the stone outer revetment wall
at the base of the tell with part of the mudbrick wall built on top of it still intact.
In the balk of the Italian excavation, at the outer base of the
revetment wall,
Wood noticed the remains of the collapsed mudbrick city walls which had tumbled.
Not only did the Italians find the same evidence uncovered
in the earlier excavations, it fits the Biblical story perfectly!

Wood reports:
“The Italian excavation actually uncovered most of the critical evidence
relating to the Biblical story.
But even more exciting is the fact that all the evidence
from the earlier digs has disappeared over time.
We only have records, drawing and photos.
But the Italians uncovered a completely new section of the wall
which we did not know still existed.
I had my photograph taken standing next to the wall where the
mudbrick collapse had just been excavated!”